Setting up a new venture is not only hard, but also very expensive. The first year of new entrepreneurship’s functioning is a considerable burden on the owner’s funds because too many bills have to be paid before the first revenue starts coming in. In such a situation, it's effortless to end up broke, and startup owners often try to secure their personal funds by involving loans or fundraising to finance their venture.
Such a method is less risky than putting all your money at stake without having a slight idea of whether the undertaking will work out or not. Fundraising is also an excellent test for your business idea – if people to whom you turn for financing of your startup believe in it and see the value and prospects behind it, then chances to survive and grow are higher. The same is true about a loan – banks don’t grant loans to SMEs with low economic potential, so reaching out to a bank with a loan request and getting it approved is a good sign for your venture.
The bitter truth is that banks rarely grant loans to SMEs in the first year of their existence. The older your firm is, the more chances to get investment from external stakeholders. So, what should a beginner do to get some extra money for a business?
Luckily, this situation is not as desperate as it might seem. With Keepersly, you can easily access available financing options to get financial inflows for survival. Turn to us for assistance and consultation to find out what fundraising opportunities are available specifically for your business type – we are ready to assist even newbies in the corporate world.
It’s hard to navigate in the stormy waters of modern business, especially for young firms with little market experience and on a budget. Our company helps manage the financial side of any firm’s operation by providing bookkeeping assistance and consultation on affordable funding opportunities for SMEs.
Working with us is an excellent chance for success even for a startup with a small budget and limited opportunities as we render professional assistance with:
Don’t postpone starting up a business until the day you have enough money to finance everything on your own. With our help, you can attract funds into your project on affordable terms and quickly set your venture up and running.
Try the best—free. Sign up for a free trial and get full access to Keepersly. We’ll do a month of your bookkeeping in one business day, and deliver a set of financial statements for you to keep.